Install and Running

Install JDK 1.7.0_x

Check the JAVA runtime version on client PC, it must show version 1.7.0_x, as shown below:



If you don’t have the correct JAVA version, please install it from Ask your representatives for assistance, if needed.

Setup Environment Variables


  1. Create a new environment variable name JAVA_HOME if not exists.
  2. Set the value of JAVA_HOME to the folder where JDK 1.7.0_x is installed.

Add Java Executable to System Path

Add Java executable folder %JAVA_HOME%\bin to system path.


Unzip uDCV Tarball

Unzip the folders to local drive, e.g. C:\, There are three folders in the tarball:

  1. uDCV_BIN (Server)
  2. uDCV_DATA (Demo data)
  3. uDCV_UTIL (Utility file)

Start uDCV Server

  1. Login as Administrator
  2. Open windows command line window and cd to {uDCV_BIN}/bin folder
  3. Run startup.bat

4. Wait until uDCV server has started in a pop up window, it shall shows INFO: Server startup in xxxxx ms



uDCV server must be run as Administrator

  1. Enter this URL in IE to access the uDCV: http://localhost:8080/dcv_jupiter1


Before use uDCV, user need to apply license